Caro Futsal Player Registration
To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.
Player Details
Contact / Emergency Details
2nd Contact / Emergency Details (Optional)
Terms & Conditions
By signing and dating below you understand and agree to the following:
Players, parents and supporters will abide by Caro Futsal Code of Conduct.
All players and parents understand that the nature of sporting activity means that there are inherent risks of injury in both training and playing. Caro Futsal, its volunteers and/or coaches do not accept any liability for any injury that a player should suffer during a game or training session. Please seek guidance from your GP or appropriate allied health professional prior to undertaking our training sessions / matches
Players and parents are advised that Caro Futsal is not responsible for lost items.
Players must wear the academies full uniform for every training session and match.
Players must wear Futsal shoes for all trainings/matches & shin guards for all matches.
Applicant / Parent consents to the free use of name and / or pictures in any broadcast, print and social media.
understand and accept the above conditions.
You have successfully completed your registration
You have missed a field or completed it incorrectly